Enhance your cybersecurity visibility and posture with xMDR

xMDR provides you visibility for your company across your existing technologies enabling your security teams to proactively and reactively identify and neutralize threats.

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Struggling with cybersecurity threat detection and response?

Meet Cipher xMDR, our holistic solution that protects your business from cyberthreats through an AI-driven approach and advanced data analytics.

Discover how Cipher xMDR adresses your business concerns

Fragmentation Management

Deploy cipher  xMDR as umbrella on top of your existing technologies to break silos in capacities and configurations thus ensuring unified protection and criteria.

Closing Visibility Gap

Gain complete asset visibility and posture in a unified portal view dor detection adn response covering  IT, OT, Cloud and On premises.

Bridging Talent Gap

xMDR makes extensive use of AI and automation of repetitive tasks to allow your analysts to better perform their duties, no more time wandering systems or documenting tickets.

Adapting to Continuous Evolution

Cipher xMDR tracks your activity and the activity of those who are looking after your data adapting the protection. We got you covered.

Optimization Against Cost Constraints

Cipher XMDR connects to your existing stack (or stacks) without the need to deploy any particular technology, full tech. agnosticism.

Deploy efficient and effective cybersecurity to cover business needs


Increase in Detection Surface.


Managed Alerts.

20 days

Full Service in Production.


Operations in 6 SOC.

Up to 50%

TCO Reduction.



What results should you expect with xMDR?

Super fast deployment / no changes in tech stack, reactive a proactive alerting, continous threat hunting, massive reduction in alerts vs investigations ratios, 100% of alerts reviewed despite their categorization or source, enriched investigations covering all angles with AI recommendations for analysts. Those are some of the results our clients are achieving!

How our clients improve their cybersecurity with xMDR 

How Prosegur overcame its technological challenges using innovative xMDR.

A comprehensive approach to penetration testing and vulnerability management.

The success of one of the largest consulting firms in Spain with xMDR.

xMDR Platform

Explore how the xMDR Platform works and learn how its advanced features can transform your business into a more profitable and efficient enterprise.

xMDR is AI-Driven

Generative AI has come to stay, at xMDR AI is at the core. Involved in more than 10 use cases from Adversary Profiling to analyst recommendations crossing thru development of rules or predicting the kill chain.

Stay up-to-date with the latest in cybersecurity

Unit x-63 Resources

Read about the latest regarding Actors Campaigns and trends and how to counteract.


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Cybersecurity Intelligence

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Get a free analysis of your organization profile from a thread modeling perspective.